E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024

Analysis of Owning Former Land of Cultivation Rights of PT Blang Kolam Adipratama Concerning the Implementation of Land Reform in Southern Aceh

Author(s): Ayin Aulina, Ilyas Ismail, Efendi


The issue is to the ownership of land previously designated as HGU (Cultivation Rights) by a plantation company located in the Aceh province, specifically in the Northern District of Aceh. PT. Blangkolam Adipratama, a firm in the palm plantation industry, with a parcel of land located in Gampong Sido Muliyo, Kuta Makmur district, North Aceh district. The utilization of this land is governed by the Right of Use of Enterprise (HGU) with the designation of 8, granted in 1989 by the Decree of Grant of Rights number 53/HGU/PBN/1989, including an area of 652.67 hectares, which expired in 2018. Thus yet, there has been no prolongation or reauthorization of the HGU that has lapsed during that particular year. The research method employed in this study is the Yuridis empirical research method. The objective of this study is to elucidate the land ownership status of the former rights of use of PT Blang Kolam Adipratama firm, regarding the implementation of Agrarian Reform in North Aceh. Based on the research findings, the legal status of the former territory of HGU is determined by legal principles. PT. Blangkolam Adipratama is considered state land because the company, which operates in the field of plant cultivation, has not renewed its HGU (Right to Use Land) since 2018. According to Article 26, paragraph (2) of Government Regulation No. 18 Year 2021, the application for renewal of the right to use the land must be submitted within 2 years after the expiration of the previous term.

Keywords: Land Owning Status, Cultivation Right, Land Reform Implementation

Pages: 1123-1127

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