E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024

The Existence of Restorative Justice Houses in Resolving Criminal Cases in Aceh Province

Author(s): Eka Safitri, Mohd Din, Sulaiman


The application of Restorative Justice (hereinafter referred to as RJ) in resolving minor criminal cases is guided by the Attorney General's Regulation No.15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on RJ, that the process of resolving cases outside of court is in the form of discontinuing prosecution by the Prosecutor's Office but in its implementation, the implementation of innovations in house building policies RJ at the village level in Aceh Province has not been implemented effectively. This is to realize legal certainty by prioritizing justice, both for suspects as perpetrators of criminal acts, victims, their families and the community. Apart from that, what is more important is achieving the resolution of criminal cases simply, quickly and at a low cost. Therefore, resolving criminal cases using RJ must not create a negative stigma, both for the suspect, the victim and the community. This research and study aims to find out, analyze and explain the resolution of criminal cases through the implementation of the House of RJ in Aceh Province, the mechanism for resolving criminal cases through the implementation of the House of RJ, and the efforts of the Prosecutor's Office in implementing the House of RJ effectively in resolving criminal cases in Aceh Province.

Keywords: Existence, Resolving Criminal Cases, House of Restorative Justice

Pages: 934-942

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