International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024
Legal Protection for Food Commodity Farmers against Food Import Regulations in Facing the Global Market
Author(s): Infrian Rosa Rina, Ermanto Fahamsyah, Fendi Setyawan
The changes that occur in the Job Creation Law are in contrast to the Food Law, namely being able to fulfill food needs in a sovereign and independent manner. Changes in food imports from quota restrictions to relaxed ones. There are many opinions that this policy is not pro-farmer welfare. The equal position of food imports alongside domestic production and national food reserves in order to fulfill food availability is initial evidence. Even though Indonesia wants to realize its ideals towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, namely that the government strives to make Indonesia a developed, sovereign and sustainable country. This research has three problems, namely, 1). Whether changes to regulations related to food imports by the Job Creation Law can provide legal protection to food commodity farmers in facing the global market, 2). What are the opportunities and obstacles for farmers in developing food commodities in Indonesia in facing the global market, 3). What is the future legal construction regarding legal protection for food commodity farmers in facing the global market, especially regarding food imports? The research method uses a normative juridical research type with statutory, conceptual and comparative approaches. Discussion result. The Job Creation Law which amends articles in the Food Law and the Farmers Protection and Empowerment Law, especially regarding the regulation of food imports, has placed food imports on an equal footing with domestic production and food reserves. Efforts to protect farmers through tariff barriers are limited by the provisions of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), as a consequence of Indonesia as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and as a follow-up to Indonesia ratifying WTO provisions. Through non-tariff barriers in the form of quotas or quantitative restrictions according to AoA provisions is prohibited.
Keywords: Legal Protection of Farmers, Food Commodities, Global Markets
Pages: 763-772
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