International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024
The Role of Digital Technology in the Preservation and Resilience of Local Culture in the Era of Globalization
Author(s): Sekar Ayu Fadhilah, Fitri Susiswani Isbandi, Farah Lutfiya Salsabila, Zahra Aidilia, Sulthanah Dzakyah Ashari, Tasyrika Zahra, Della Nesha Sagita, Rhisma Melati
The development of globalization increasingly affects the existence of local culture in Indonesia. The era of globalization and the increasing influence of digital technology has aroused the interest of Indonesians in external cultures. These day, the advancement of technology and the rapid change of the current of globalization is a challenge for the Indonesian people in their efforts to preserve their culture. Today's development of digital technology makes it easier for people around the world to access a variety of information and to know the developments a country is experiencing. This article is compiled using the method of study literature to discuss how the role of digital technology in the preservation of local culture. An effort that can be made is to implement cultural literacy and citizenship within the scope of the school as well as publicly digitally. The preservation of Indonesian culture must continue because its culture and values are an important part of the identity of the Indonesians.
Keywords: Digital Technology, Preservation, Globalyzation, Resilience, Local Culture
Pages: 385-391
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