International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024
Effect of Moderate Intensity Interval Training and a High Calorie Diet on Endometrial Thickness in Obesity Cases: A Literature Review
Author(s): Nita Anggraini, Lilik Herawati, Reny I'tishom, Endyka Erye Frety
Background: The number of calories eaten is greater than the energy used, so it can cause an imbalance in the body, which can cause problems such as obesity, which has an impact on the growth of the uterine lining. This literature review focuses on how to prevent an increase in uterine lining thickness by performing moderate-intensity interval training. The aim of this literature review was to assess the effect of MIIT on uterine lining thickness.
Subjects and Methods: The method used is to collect and analyze related research articles.
Results: Articles for 2015–2024 (10 years) discuss moderate-intensity interval training using Indonesian and English.
Conclusion: Physical activity and obesity can increase FSH, resulting in a decrease in GnRH, which affects the production of LH and FSH, which causes ovarian stimulation to be disrupted and stops the production of estradiol. Estrogen causes cell proliferation and reshapes the endometrium after menstruation. Estrogen influences the basal epithelial layer of the endometrium to divide and proliferate to form the mucosal wall. Endometrial thickness can be reduced by moderate exercise.
Keywords: Moderate-intensity Interval Training, Endometrium, Obesity
Pages: 286-288