E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024

Burden of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and its Perception among Indian Population: A Comparative Study

Author(s): Dr. Yachna Setu


The study focuses on burden of Tuberculosis in India. The yearly reports of National Family and Health Survey have been used in the present study. It was observed that there was very minute difference in prevalence of Tuberculosis from NFHS 4 to NFHS 5, although number of medically treated tuberculosis cases remain unchanged. In spite of good knowledge regarding tuberculosis as a disease, its transmission and its cure among Household respondents, the burden is still very high in India.

Keywords: NFHS, Tuberculosis, Disease Burden, India

Pages: 1202-1206

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