E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024

Marketing Stimulation: Students' Impulsive buying Behavior of Fast Food on Social Networks

Author(s): Le Thi Hai Ha


The student target group is often a group of potential customers of the fast-food market on social networks. However, after a long period of facing the COVID-19 epidemic, spending money has decreased significantly. This may influence impulsive fast-food behavior on social media, where there is a need to be more thoughtful about spending and prioritize essential needs. Marketing stimuli influence consumers' purchasing decisions by creating appeal and stimulating demand and the desire to purchase. The first element, marketing incentives, involves the product, price, distribution, and promotion mix elements. The research focuses on evaluating and analyzing marketing stimuli such as product, price, distribution, and promotion mix that fast food restaurants often use to attract customers. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying, analyzing, and measuring marketing stimulation for students' impulsive buying behavior of fast food on social networks by using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative research methods were carried out with SPSS software, including Cronbach's alpha analysis. On the basis of an overview of previous studies and after interviewing experts, the study identified and analyzed five scales (component attributes) of marketing stimulation. Based on the research results, we propose some recommendations for fast food firms to improve the quality of fast food for students.

Keywords: Marketing Stimulation, Fast Food, Business Administration, Economics

Pages: 575-578

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