International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024
The role of management accounting in the decision-making process in small and medium enterprises in Vietnam
Author(s): Tran Thi Hong Hue
This study was conducted to examine the role of management accounting in the decision-making process of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam. By qualitative research method, based on the study of documents and results of direct interviews with 12 managers (Directors, Sales Managers) of 12 small and medium enterprises in Hanoi. The results of the study show that management accounting plays an important role in supporting SMEs to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, evaluate performance, control costs, make pricing decisions, participate in strategic planning and manage financial risks. These findings highlight the importance of SMEs in Vietnam in adopting and implementing management accounting practices to enhance their decision-making capabilities and improve their financial performance. Policymakers, accounting professionals, and SME owners can use these insights to promote the integration of management accounting practices in the SME sector, ultimately fostering a stronger and more competitive business environment in Vietnam.
Keywords: SMEs, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Vietnam
Pages: 435-439