International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024
Nurses' Spiritual Nursing Competency Levels in the Neurology Inpatient Ward of Aceh Government Hospital: A Case Study
Author(s): Ferra Nuraeni, Ardia Putra, Noraliyatunn Jannah, Hajjul Kamil, Mayanti Mahdarsari
Background: Health services in the world today are trying to apply a holistic concept, namely viewing humans in service as a unified whole, including physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, and spiritual dimensions. Spiritual care is an approach that recognizes the importance of spiritual aspects in human well-being. Providing spiritual services is one of the factors in improving the quality of nursing services and achieving patient satisfaction. This case study aims to determine the spiritual competence of nurses in the neurology inpatient room at an Aceh government hospital.
Methods: The samples taken in this study were 25 nurses. Data analysis uses univariate analysis. Data were collected using the Spiritual Care Competency Scale questionnaire by distributing the SCCS questionnaire Google form link to nurses via the neurology nurse WhatsApp group.
Results: Spiritual competence in professionalization and improving the quality of spiritual services (100%). The domain of personal support, counseling, and patient referrals (96.0%), the domain of attitudes towards patient communication spirituality (100%), and the domain assessment of the implementation of the provision and evaluation of spiritual services (96.0%) which shows that the majority of nurses have high spiritual competence regarding spiritual services.
Recommendations: There needs to be follow-up and special attention from the hospital to optimize the spiritual competence of nurses in other inpatient rooms by providing training related to spiritual competence to provide a sense of satisfaction for patients, clients, and families in terms of providing spiritual care.
Keywords: Spiritual Nursing Care, Nurse Competency, Neurology Patient, Spiritual Care
Pages: 838-841