E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024

Studying Methods for Determining the Training Cost at Public Universities in Hanoi in the Context of Implementing Financial Autonomy

Author(s): Nguyen Thi Thu Thao, Tran The Lu


For public institutions, maintaining expenditures for training activities and running the overall school system is a challenging issue, as is striking a balance between revenue and expenses. In the foreseeable future, state papers often provide for the progressive conversion of public service units with partial state financial assistance to totally autonomous service units. To meet the demands of development, public colleges have recently redesigned their financial management system. These developments have given public universities a significant boost in their efforts to increase autonomy, which is linked to self-responsibility. In order to provide a strategy for calculating training costs appropriately, this paper examines the state of the art approaches for calculating training costs at Hanoi's public institutions in the context of adopting financial autonomy.

Keywords: Method of Determining Training Costs, Public University in Hanoi, Financial Autonomy

Pages: 663-667

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