E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024

Mini-Review on Corresponding States

Author(s): John H Jennings


In Physical Chemistry it is found that various molecules behave in a parallel way, mathematically speaking. The Van der Waals gas, an improvement on the ideal gas, is a prime example of the principle of corresponding states. Here the author will give the proof for the surface tension formula, another example. Several graphs of this kind are included. Equations of this sort unify molecular properties and show rhe beauty of Physical Chemistry. Einstein’s viscosity law gave rise to a curve to calibrate gel permeation chromatogrphy columns and Guggenheim offers a curve that is also an example of corresponding states. From a 1980 Physics thesis, the author discovered an example for homogeneous nucleation of low molecular weight gases. This article touches a few bases on the topic.

Keywords: Corresponding States, Surface Tension, Einstein Viscosity Law, Van Der Waals

Pages: 623-625

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