E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024

Stress and Stress Coping Strategies of Student Victims of Sexual Violence at SMP Negeri "X" Patebon

Author(s): Dhany Setyowati Haryadi, Sri Aryanti Kristianingsih, Wahyuni Kristinawati


This research aims to describe the impact of victims of sexual violence on students at SMP Negeri "X" Patebon and the stress coping strategies for students who are victims of sexual violence on the experience of sexual violence experienced by students at SMP Negeri "X" Patebon. The research used was qualitative case study type research with a total of 5 students as participants. Data was obtained through interviews and then analyzed using qualitative analysis, by detailing the data followed by a coding process to interpret or make sense of the data. Based on interviews conducted with participants who were victims of sexual violence at SMP Negeri "X" Patebon, they felt stress and serious adverse impacts, both psychological and academic. The effectiveness of coping strategies can vary depending on the individual, the particular stressor, and the context. Participants' use of a combination of coping strategies depended on the nature of the stress they faced. Understanding and using healthy coping mechanisms can help individuals better manage stress and improve their overall well-being.

Keywords: Adolescents, Stress Coping Strategies, Victims of Sexual Violence

Pages: 525-529

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