E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024

A Study of Start-up

Author(s): Le Trung Thanh, Ha Thi Thu Phuong


Start-up is an important variable in the economic development of countries called entrepreneurship capital, in addition to the three traditional variables of physical capital, human capital, and knowledge (Audretsch, 2009). Increased entrepreneurship promotes economic growth, contributes to technological change, and creates many jobs. Governments of both developed and developing countries have devoted many support policies and efforts to promote entrepreneurship among young people, especially among students, encouraging them not to work for hire but to create their own jobs, increasing the number of businesses for economic development (Fayolle & Liñán, 2014) [9]. Startups have become one of the factors that help diversify economic activities and promote economic growth. In the period of international economic integration, the whole society is implementing digital transformation, and entrepreneurship is still one of the topics that localities in the country and researchers are interested in. Especially starting a business for young people. The goal of this study is to discuss start-ups for young people in Vietnam. The research uses qualitative research methods with synthesis and comparison techniques to analyze and discuss start-ups. Thereby, the study proposes a number of implications for promoting start-up activities for young people, thereby contributing to solving problems and developing the economy in the context of digital transformation.

Keywords: Start-Up, Employment, Business Performance, Human Resources, Economics

Pages: 499-502

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