International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2024
Importance of Morphological and Morphometric Characteristics for the Diagnosis of Coccidia in the Saffron Finch, Sicalis Flaveola
Author(s): Samira Salim Mello Gallo, Francisco Carlos Rodrigues de Oliveira, Taynara Kerolayne Santos Elizeu, Nicole Brand Ederli
The saffron finch, Sicalis flaveola, is a small, bright yellow Neotropical passerine native to South America, ranging from Argentina to Venezuela. The aim of the present study was to morphologically and morphometrically identify species of coccidia parasites of free-living and captive saffron finches in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Brazil. For this study, feces were collected from 30 captive birds and 30 free-living birds. Fecal samples were filtered through double gauze, mixed with 2.5% potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), placed in a Petri dish and incubated at 23-28 °C until 70% of the oocysts were sporulated. Statistical analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel software. All birds analyzed were positive for coccidia, and oocysts of the species Isospora sicalisi and Isospora cetasiensis were found in the feces of captive birds. In the feces of free-living saffron finches, four different species of coccidia were identified, namely, I. sicalisi, I. cetasiensis, Isospora bertoi and Eimeria flaveola. It can be concluded that little is known about the diversity and distribution of coccidia in wild birds, requiring further study in different locations.
Keywords: Passeriformes, Feces, Isospora spp., Eimeria sp
Pages: 287-293
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