International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Improving the Effectiveness of Teaching Practical Social Psychology Courses for Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the University of Labour and Social Affairs
Author(s): Nguyen Huu Hung
Practice is one of the fundamental activities that play a crucial role in the training process in general, and specifically in psychology training. It is a mandatory activity in the training process, through practical courses that provide opportunities for students to experience and apply what they have learned in theory to real-life situations. This helps students to develop ethics, attitudes, and professional skills for their future careers in psychology. Both domestic and international universities that offer bachelor's degrees in psychology place great emphasis on practical training. Some institutions allocate more time for practical training than theory to produce students with strong practical skills, reducing difficulties when entering the workforce. This article addresses the objectives, content, forms, principles, and the organization process to ensure the quality of practical training in social psychology courses. It also proposes some solutions to enhance the quality of teaching practical social psychology courses for psychology students at the University of Labor and Social Affairs.
Keywords: Practice, Psychology, Social Psychology Practice
Pages: 1514-1519
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