International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Foot Reflexology on Peripheral Vascular Circulation among Patients having Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Admitted at Selected Hospitals of City
Author(s): Sunil Sanjay Shingare
A study to assess the effectiveness of foot reflexology on peripheral vascular circulation among patients having type-2 diabetes mellitus admitted at selected hospitals of city.
1. To assess the level of peripheral vascular circulation score on patients having Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients among experimental and control group.
2. To find out the effectiveness of foot reflexology on peripheral vascular circulation patients having Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus among experimental and control group.
3. To determine association between experimental pretest peripheral vascular circulation score on type 2 diabetes melitus patients with selected demographic variables.
Material and Methods
The sample for the study is peripheral vascular circulation patients having Type-2 diabetes mellitus. The study which was conducted among 60 patients having Type-2 diabetes mellitus before and after effectiveness of foot reflexology was given at selected hospital of city. Samples were selected with Non probability purposive sampling technique and pretest posttest control group design was used. The data analyzed in terms of achieving objective of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics findings.
The findings of the study revealed that the majority of the subjects 14 (46%)in experimental group were between 10 (33.33%) subjects in control group in 46-55 years respectively. According to gender Maximum number of samples 10(33.33) % subjects were female and 20(66.66) % subjects were male patients in experimental group, 25(83.33) % subjects were males in control group.
According to family monthly income of experimental group maximum number of samples belongs to 5(16.66)% experimental group and control group 4 (13.33)% are in the Below 20001/-.
Occupation Maximum number of samples 11(36.66) % and others belongs to in experimental group 11(36.66) and control group 6(20) %. maximum number of samples 6 (20%) subjects in experimental group and 4 (13.33%) subjects in control group fall belongs to alcohol consumption. 4(13.33%) subjects in experimental group and 10 (33.33%) subjects in control group belongs to any others. Maximum number of samples 10 (33.33%) subjects in experimental group and 15 (50%) subjects in control group having both type of job standing and sedentary.
Family history of diabetes mellitus Maximum number of samples belongs to 25 (83.33%) subjects in experimental group and 25(83.33%) subjects in control group having previous family history of diabetes mellitus. pre-test Severe (0- 5)10(33.33) % subjects were having severe peripheral vascular circulation, 2(6.66%) subjects had moderate level of peripheral vascular circulation and 12 (40%) subject had mild type of peripheral vascular circulation, 6(20)% belongs to normal in control group whereas in posttest 2(6.66)% had severe, 15(50)% moderate, 4(13.33)% fall in mild and 9(30)% having normal in control group. mean score to check the foot reflexology on peripheral vascular circulation in experimental group was done by the paired t test. The pre-test mean score was 9.10 with standard deviation of 2.31. Mean score was 3.70 with standard deviation of 2.34. The test statistics value of the paired t test was 15.39 with p value 0.00.
The association between the pretest effectiveness of foot reflexology on peripheral vascular circulation among control group with selected demographic variables. The chi square value of the demographic variables, age, Family income per month, occupation, Specific habits, Type of job and family history of diabetes mellitus were not found statistically significant association at 0.05 level of significance.
The main conclusion of the present study is foot reflexology effective on peripheral vascular circulation patients having type 2 diabetes mellitus which is denoted by significant level of peripheral vascular circulation.
Keywords: Reflexology, Peripheral, Type-2 Diabetes, India
Pages: 1414-1418