International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Inclusive Education Readiness among Elementary Educators: A Case Study in Tugbongan Elementary School
Author(s): Epe Christine, Gadiana Sheila Mae, Glodove Gea Nicole, Mobida Fanny Mae
This case study outlines the significance of assessing elementary teachers' readiness in Tugbongan Elementary School for inclusive education and how it affects the educational system as a whole. Numerous studies have revealed that some teachers are unprepared for inclusion (Wendy W. Fuschs, 2010), thus there is a need to assess elementary teachers. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach and thematic analysis, the study revealed that the educators from Tugbongan Elementary School possess readiness when it comes to incorporating inclusive education within their classrooms. This is a positive finding that highlights their commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment for all students. The promotion of targeted training and seminars for these teachers is highly recommended. This study has helped to improve the existing knowledge of teacher perceptions and provide insight into possible interventions and recommendations.
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Teachers' Readiness
Pages: 1388-1393
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