International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Dancing Beyond Preconceptions: The Stereotypes Against Men's Participation in Dance Education
Author(s): Dela Fuente Angel Mae T, Banag James Brian P, Aying Jason M, Alaras Karl Warren E, Flores Mark Leo T, Lacida Analei G, Baticuang Cherrylou M, Nepangue Jorjie U
This multiple case study investigated stereotypes among male students in dance education. It was participated by four (4) male dancers from different universities in Cebu City who have already danced for several years. This approach involved conducting in-depth interviews to explore their personal experiences and perceptions. Moreover, this also assessed how the stereotyping affected their motivation and passion for dancing. Through semi-structured interviews, data gathered were analyzed utilizing cross-case analysis. The results found that male dancers experienced stereotypes based on the nature of the dance genre they were into. It was also revealed that these stereotypes contributed an impact on their level of motivation and passion towards dancing. These male dancers suggested that stereotypes should not be affected by the opinions of others. Hence, they should focus on building their confidence, resilience, and passion for dancing. This study suggested that future researchers could utilize this study as the basis for further research about male dancers' stereotypes.
Keywords: Multiple Case Study, Dance Education, Stereotypes, Masculinity, Genre
Pages: 1074-1081
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