International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Learning Management of Islamic Religious Education in Strengthening Moral and Integrity of Immigration Polytechnic Cadets of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
Author(s): Nurul Maharani, Masyitoh, Herwina Bahar
Islamic Education Learning Management can be interpreted as a management process including planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluating activities related to the learning process by involving various factors in order to achieve goals. The formulation of the problem in this study is: How is Islamic Learning Management in Strengthening Morals and Integrity in Immigration Polytechnic Cadets? And what are the strategies used in Strengthening Morale and Integrity in Immigration Polytechnic Cadets? This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out in three ways, namely: Observation, interviews, and documentation. The participants in this study were the director of the Immigration Polytechnic, Head of Subdivision of Cadets and Learners at the Immigration Polytechnic, Lecturers of Islamic Education Courses at the Immigration Polytechnic and Cadets of the Immigration Polytechnic, as well as resource persons in Islamic Education. The results of this study indicate that Islamic Religious Education Learning Management in strengthening the morals and integrity of the Immigration Polytechnic cadets has been running quite well, the preparation of comprehensive and diverse material so that students can obtain a broad scientific treasure, as well as the use of lecture methods and question and answer methods, using learning media, discussion groups, ability classification, ice breaking, and quiz. The suggestion from this research is that the Immigration Polytechnic needs to consider developing continuous programs, such as mentoring, to support the formation of morals and integrity. In addition, it is important to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of learning methods and involve all parties in education at the Immigration Polytechnic who provide exemplary worship practices and good morals and integrity.
Keywords: Learning Management, Islamic Religious Education, Moral, Integrity
Pages: 872-879
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