International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Harmonizing Sound and Language: The Use of English Music on Improving the Speaking Skills
Author(s): Tala-O Jeneces Rose C, Andales Chrewdine S, Antig Crislie G, Balogbog Maria Karyl C, Borres Chona Mae B, Latayada Metch Lee, Maravilla Zarla Mae A, Panugan Angeline C, Nepangue Jorjie
Music and songs are not merely forms of entertainment, but also a useful instrument for language learning. Out of the four language skills, speaking is the most important. This study investigated the use of English music on improving the speaking skills of BSED English students, utilizing Johanna Gustafsson’s multiple-case research design. A total of 4 BSED English students from the research locale participated and went through an in-depth cross-case analysis of their habits on listening to English songs and its use on improving their English-speaking skills. The results revealed that there were significant improvements on students’ speaking skills through listening to English songs in terms of their vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency in the language. It also revealed how English songs are viewed as a form of art, literature, and media from today’s learners thus its influence has reached as a tool to aid language learning and improvement. It is recommended that teachers incorporate music or songs in their materials to aid students in their language learning to help them improve their speaking skills, especially now that the 21st century learners are learning everything in the form of media.
Keywords: English Music, Language Learning, Speaking Skills, Songs, Learners
Pages: 804-812
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