International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
The Influence of Quality Work of Life on Employee Performance at PT X Surakarta
Author(s): Pratama Reynaldi, Wijono Sutarto
In the corporate world in the new normal era, getting used to working systems directly or face to face requires quality work of life provided by the company so that the resulting performance is optimal. So, the aim of this research is to discuss influencequalirty of work life on employee performance at PT X.This research uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques using questionnaires referring to the Likert scale and the sampling technique used is saturated sampling. This study used a sample of 62 employees from a population of 62 employees.The data analysis technique uses simple linear regression test conditions and use assumption tests consisting of: Normality, linearity, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity. Which are calculated using SPSS version 22. The implication in this research is that there is a significant positive influence between quality work of life on employee performance at PT quality work of life which gave a high score with a percentage of 16.1%, then the medium category was 69.4%.
Keywords: Quality Work of Life, Perfomance, Employee, Surakarta
Pages: 790-798
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