International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
Some Recommendations on Building Lectures for the Functions and Duties of Inspectors in the Program Training of Court Inspectors
Author(s): Tran Anh Quang, Thai Thi Hien, Nguyen Duc Binh, Nguyen Khanh Ngoc, Nguyen Minh Hoang
In 2012, the School of Court Officers successfully organized a professional training course for examiners. This is the first professional training course for examiners held for 3 months, with 65 students who are officials from units of the Supreme People's Court participating, in order to train and improve their skills. qualifications of court officials in general and examiners in particular. After that, the School issued two sets of lectures (volume 1, volume 2) to train examiners. Through studying the content of these two sets of lectures, the content of the program basically focuses on equipping examiners with the most basic and necessary knowledge and skills of the profession of adjudicating all types of cases. Equip examiners with important skills in cassation and retrial work in specialized courts. In addition, the general topics also provide examiners with a deeper understanding of the history of the Vietnamese Court industry and the industry's development orientation; Ho Chi Minh's ideology and professional ethics of examiners; skills in drafting procedural documents and especially the functions, tasks, and powers of the Examiner. However, regarding the examiner training program, some content needs to be researched and supplemented. The article focuses on researching the need to train, retrain, and professionalize court examiners and make some recommendations on developing lectures on the functions and duties of examiners in the training program court examiner.
Keywords: Functions and Duties of Inspectors, Lectures, Program Training of Court Inspectors
Pages: 742-745