E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023

Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Success among Businesswomen in Vietnam

Author(s): Mai Thi Anh Dao, Pham Quoc Huy


Entrepreneurship is the process of creating and developing a new business (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000) [18], which not only provides goods or services but also creates employment opportunities for workers. Active and contributes to the national budget and economic development of that country. Research on starting a business has been more about clarifying the influence of factors on the intention of starting a business, but there have not been many studies on entrepreneurial success, the determinant of the meaning of starting a business. Entrepreneurial success is interpreted based on assessing success from both objective and subjective perspectives (long-term and short-term). This paper aims at providing a comprehensive empirical examination regarding entrepreneurial success among businesswomen in Vietnam. By drawing the concept from the previous studies, the study explores entrepreneurial success among businesswomen as a profit determinant. We used primary data from a survey of 500 businesswomen in Vietnam during 2021–2023, and there were 364 valid survey questionnaires included in the analysis, including descriptive statistics and reliability analysis of scales. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurial success among businesswomen in Vietnam is highly appreciated. Based on the research findings, our study emphasizes that entrepreneurial success among businesswomen in Vietnam needs urgent improvement to support the business performance of firms.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Success, Business Women, Business Administration

Pages: 589-592

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