International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023
The Personal Based Factors Determinants of Child Labour in Tanzania
Author(s): George M Joseph
This paper examined the personal based factors which are determinants of child labour in small scale gold mining in Tanzania. Specifically, the study examined age, gender and education of the respondents which influence child labour practices in small scale gold mining (SSGM) in Geita region. Furthermore, the study used the case of Nyang’hwale district which is one of the districts in Geita region where SSGM activities are rampant compared to the rest of the districts. The study used a cross-sectional survey researches design. The primary data were collected by using questionnaires from 209 individuals who were randomly sampled from Nyang’hwale district in Geita region. Moreover, the study applied a newly developed method of measuring the age risk of children working under 18 years known as Eta Value. The researcher analyzed the data using the Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) with a combination of analytic techniques - statistics and artificial intelligence software. The study found that the child labour determinants under personal based factors were age, gender and education level of the respondents Moreover, the researcher found that micro-sociology focuses on the individual's micro aspects which are personal based – age, gender and education. The study concludes that the fundamental determinants of child labour practices in small scale gold mining in Tanzania are personal based factors. The study recommends prioritizing age, gender and education analysis for solving individual problems so as to eradicate child labour practices in Geita.
Keywords: Personal Based Factors, Age, Gender, Education, Child Labour
Pages: 320-327
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