E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Fast Food and its Hazards Among School Children from Selected Higher Secondary Schools

Author(s): Rani Vitthal Suryawanshi, Priti Ashok Sasane, Pradnya Vijay Sorate, Sayali Ravindra Sutar


A study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Fast Food and its Hazards among School Children from selected Higher Secondary Schools.

Primary Objective

1. To assess the pre existing knowledge regarding fast food and its hazards among school children from selected higher secondary schools.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding fast food and its hazards among school children from selected higher secondary schools.

Secondary Objective

3. To find out the association between pre test knowledge score with their selected demographic variables.

Material and Methods

The research approach adopted in this study is quantitative approach. Quasi experimental research design one group pre test post test design was chosen for the study. The sample were selected conveniently to suit the study.sample size was 60.


The data was analyzed by using inferential and descriptive statistics on the basis of objectives.

Section-I Demographic Variables

1. According to age of the school children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 24(40%) of school children from age group 15-16years, 21(35%) from the age group 15-16 years, 15(25%) from 16-17 years and 00 (00%) of school children more than 17 years of age.

2. According to Gender of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 30(50%) of Male children and 30(50%) Females.

3. According to educational status of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 24(40%) of school children 8th standard, 21(35%) children in 9th standard children and 15(25%) children in 10th standard.

4. According to educational status of the Fathers of children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 05(8.33) of Fathers no formal education, 17(28.33%) of fathers educated up to primary, 27(45%) up to secondary and 11(18.33) Hsc and above education.

5. According to mothers education of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 06(10%) Mothers of no formal education, 19(31%) mothers educated up to primary, 23(31%) mothers were secondary and 12(20%) of mothers Hsc and above education.

6. According to total family income of the children from selected highersecondary schools, in the study 06(10%) them had family in the income group Rs 5000-15000, 23(38.63%) In the income group Rs 15001-25000, 21(35%) in the Rs 25001-35000 and 10(16.66%) in the Rs Above 35000 group.

7. According to religion of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 19(31.67%) of children from Hindu religion, 10(16.67%) from the Christian religion,20(33.33%) from Muslim and 11(18.33) of children from Buddhist religion.

8. According to dietary pattern of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in the study 21(35%) of children vegetarian, 04(6.66%) from the Non vegetarian and 35(58.33%) from Mixed dietary pattern.

9. According to No. Of sibling of the children from selected higher secondary schools, in that study 01(1.66%) sibling 0 group,37(61.66%) children of sibling is 01,14(23.33%) children of sibling is 02 and 08(13.33%) children of sibling is above 02.

Section-II- Analysis of data related to the pre-existing knowledge for the analysis purpose the total score of knowledge was divided in to three groups like poor (score 0-8), Average (score 9-16), Good (score 17-25). At the time of pre test 46.7% of the children had average knowledge (Score 9-16) and 53.3% of them had good knowledge (Score 17-25) regarding fast food and its hazards.

Section III-Analysis of data related to the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding fast food and its hazards among school children from selected higher secondary schools in pre-test, 46.7% of the children had average knowledge (Score 9-16) and 53.3% of them had good knowledge (Score 17-25) regarding fast food and its hazards. In post test, 3.3% of the children had average knowledge (Score 9-16) and 96.7% of them had good knowledge (Score 17-25) regarding fast food and its hazards. This indicates that the knowledge among higher secondary school children regarding fast food and its hazards improved remarkably after video-assisted teaching.

Researcher applied paired t-test for the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding fast food and its hazards among school children from selected higher secondary schools. Average knowledge score in pre-test was 16.6 which increased to 19.5 in post test. Corresponding t-value was 19.6 with 59 degrees of freedom. Corresponding p-value was small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. Average knowledge score in post test was significantly higher than that in pre-test. It is evident that the video assisted teaching is significantly effective in improving the knowledge among higher secondary school children.

Section IV-Analysis of data related to the association between the knowledge with their selected demographic variables. The Fisher’s exact test used for the association between the knowledge with their selected demographic variables among school children from selected higher secondary schools. Since p-values corresponding to demographic variables educational status, father’s education and mother’s education were small (less than 0.05), the demographic variables educational status, father’s education and mother’s education were found to have significant association with the knowledge among higher secondary school students. Conclude that, there was no significant association of the educational status, father’s education and mother’s education with knowledge regarding fast food and its hazards among school children from selected higher secondary schools.


The result of this study shows that in pre-test 0(0.00%) In pre-test, 46.7% of the children had average knowledge (Score 9-16) and 53.3% of them had good knowledge (Score 17-25) regarding fast food and its hazards. In post test, 3.3% of the children had average knowledge (Score 9-16) and 96.7% of them had good knowledge (Score 17-25) regarding fast food and its hazards. The mean score was 16.6 with a mean percentage score of 19.5. Average knowledge score in pre test was 16.6 which increased to 19.5 in post test. Corresponding t-value was 19.6 with 59 degrees of freedom. Corresponding p-value was small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. It is evident that the video assisted teaching is significantly effective in improving the knowledge among higher secondary school children.

Keywords: Teaching, Demographic Variables, India

Pages: 155-158

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