E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 6, 2023

Analysis of Information System's in Cyber Crimes through Wireless Networks

Author(s): Dr. A Radha Krishna, A Krishna Veni


Growth in using the computer and wirless network with internet has changed the way of daily life, the use of internet increased, but interactions with people face to face communication decreased. By means of the introduction of new customer operations though online using Internet are increased like payment, business, pubic organizational works, entertainment, social media. Accessing of internet through wireless network not only increased the communication but also increased the issues which affect the life of people. High-speed Internet access i.e., Broadband which consists of a number of high-speed communication technologies such as: wireless network, fibers, cable modems etc. The usage of broadband increased issues for users by hacking their passwords and accessing their personal information, Money, business and so on.

Keywords: Cybercrime, Extortion, Theft, Phishing, Attacks

Pages: 82-86

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