International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023
Organize Customer Care Activities at Big4 5-Star Hotel Chains in the World
Author(s): Nguyen Thi Thu Thao, Le Thi Ngoc Thuy, Truong Thi Thanh Tuyen
According to a survey by the hotel booking website TripAdvisor: 80% of customers looking for a hotel to stay said that reviews from guests who have stayed at a particular hotel help them feel confident. more into your booking decision. 77% of guests regularly refer to reviews from guests who have stayed at a hotel before choosing to book a room at this hotel. 50% of diners regularly refer to reviews from people who have dined at a specific restaurant before deciding to choose that restaurant. 87% of customers agree that the promptness and professionalism in responding to negative comments from guests from the hotel management team helps increase customer sentiment towards that hotel, 70% of customers expressed that the management team's resolute and sincere attitude to correct errors after negative reviews made them want to book a room with the hotel here. The era of mass and one-way service has passed quickly, leaving behind increasingly severe service challenges. Twenty-first century customers require unique service scenarios and are willing to change according to their experience needs. The key to differentiated service lies in the dedication and attentiveness of the servers, where emotions are an absolute competitive advantage for each business to grasp, surpass its competitors and surpass itself. me. Customers not only need to use the service, but they also want to interact with the waiter to make their experience more memorable. When each guest comes to a hotel for the first time, they expect to be welcomed, listened to, and have their needs met. Those same customers, when they return to the hotel, the first and decisive need for their emotions during that stay is the need to be recognized and welcomed back. again. Just like that, they can send their full affection to you, and can ignore and forgive mistakes caused during operations. Based on the analysis of customer care organization activities at five-star hotel chains around the world, the article proposes a number of solutions to exploit and develop to improve customer care work.
Keywords: Customer Care, Big4, 5 Star Hotel, Hotel Chain
Pages: 1209-1215
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