International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023
An Analytical Study of the Relationship between Kinematic Variables of the Base and Push Phases of the Distant Aiming Facing the Jump and their Relationship to the Accuracy of Scoring in Handball
Author(s): Dr. Waleed Ghanim Thanoon, Dr. Saad Nafeh Ali Al-Dulaimi, Dr. Yasser Mounir Taha
There is a deficiency in the performance of the players in terms of physical and skill, and by not choosing the correct distances in jumping and choosing the appropriate distance for the jump step and the movement of the body during flight, in addition to weakness in the shooting, where the shooting passes through two critical stages, namely the invocation and the push, so the researchers decided to analyze this skill and reveal the its kinematic variables. The research aims to Recognize the values of some kinematic variables for the two phases of leaning and pushing for the far-off scoring from the handball jump and to calculate the accuracy values of the far-off scoring from handball jumping and the relationship between the values of some kinematic variables for the leaning and pushing phases of the far-off scoring from jumping and the accuracy of the handball. The following conclusions and Recommendations were reached at the end of the research:
1. Follow the increase in the speed of the approximate step in the instantaneous speed of the ball when performing the shot by jumping facing from the front.
2. The player’s flight angle is affected by the angle of advancement when performing the shot by jumping facing from the front.
3. The player’s flight time until he left the ball is related to the maximum height of the player’s hip joint at the moment of flight performance of the shot by jumping facing the front.
4. The angle of flight is reduced in a way that helps to maintain the horizontal speed. Perform the shooting by jumping in front of the front.
5. The horizontal distance that the player obtains from the variables that are affected by the speed of the approximate steps.
Keywords: Kinematic, Biomechanical, Handball, Iraq
Pages: 911-917
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