International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023
The Model of Finance Management Quality Private Islamic Higher Education in Medan City
Author(s): Mukiyidin, Suhendar Sulaeman, Saiful Bahri
The purpose of this research is to develop a model of finance management quality in private Islamic higher education in Medan City, choose priorities for each function, and prioritize alternative income sources on the model of finance management quality. The data analysis technique of this research used the analytical network process and the composite performance index. The respondents in this research 15 are people who are experts in finance management of private Islamic higher education in Medan City. The results of this research indicate that the model of finance management quality private Islamic higher education which includes activities the continuous improvement, is done in the following order: Plan, Do, Check, Act, and Report. Then, the results of priorities for functions and priority for alternative sources of revenue in the model of finance management quality, are as follows: (1) Plan with priority, is budgeting; (2) Do with priority is service of academics; (3) Check with priority is accounting; (4) Act with priority is adjustments to the plan of work; (5) Report with priority is financial reports. Afterward, the alternative income sources with priority is grants/public institutions, private corporate social responsibility, and Islamic donor institutions.
Keywords: Finance Management Quality, Private Islamic Higher Education, Priority
Pages: 816-822
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