E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023

Analysis of Natural Zeolite Ratio Variables and Process Temperature for Increasing Yield and Heating Value of Liquid Fuel from Plastic Bags Waste Using Mini Plant Pyrolysis

Author(s): Ahmad Berlian, Kiagus Roni, Elfidiah


The demand for fuel oil derived from fossils is increasing day by day, causing the depletion of oil and natural gas reserves. According to Dudley (2015), world oil reserves at the end of 2014 was around 1700.1 billion barrels, whereas Indonesia only had proven oil reserves of 3.7 billion barrels and this figure was only 0.2% of the total world oil reserves. Meanwhile, plastic waste material is an appropriate alternative as a starting material for hydrocarbon sources and can be a potential source of hydrocarbons with a relatively high hydrogen/carbon ratio compared to coal (Antal et al., 2000) [1]. The type of plastic waste that is often a problem in various cities in Indonesia is the type of plastic bag (LDPE), this is because of waste plastic bags are not saleable in the market. From the various existing literatures, the research is still on a laboratory scale, so further studies and tests are needed at a larger scale level in the form of a prototype. This research is intended to carry out various analyzes of the Reactor Temperature at (130, 140, 150, 160, 170 oC) and the Ratio of Zeolite to LDPE raw material at (0.00, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0,16). The Pyrolysis Reactor Prototype Unit can be used to convert plastic bag waste (Low Density Polyethylene or LDPE) into liquid fuel with a percent yield of 57.43% or 7.67 kg of the total mass of plastic waste raw material of 10 kg. In this research found parameter optimal of Zeolite Ratio at 0.12 and the process temperature at 160 oC with a calorific value of 19750 Btu/lb.

Keywords: LDPE, Plastic, BBC

Pages: 722-726

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