E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023

An Examination of Jenkins' Theory of Cultural Convergence in the Context of Audience Participation: A Study of Multimedia Storytelling in the Harry Potter Film Series

Author(s): Mohammad Aref, Aria Arman Mehr, Zahra Bakhsh Pourkhatab


This article explores Jenkins' theory of artistic cultural convergence in the context of audience participation in multimedia storytelling within the Harry Potter film series. It examines the validity of Jenkins' theory by focusing on the ways in which audiences actively engage in participating and shaping narratives within the extensive multimedia ecosystem of this series. Through a comprehensive mixed-method research approach that combines previous studies and content analysis, it reveals patterns, themes, and compelling insights related to audience participation. The findings highlight the prevalence of fan-generated content, the significance of online media, and the transformative power of immersive experiences in fostering a participatory culture. By aligning these findings with Jenkins' theory, it underscores the active role of audiences as collaborators in shaping narratives and challenges traditional notions of passive consumption. This study contributes to understanding audience participation in multimedia storytelling and emphasizes the importance of cultivating a participatory culture in media perspectives. It offers valuable insights for media creators, researchers, and practitioners, encouraging them to actively involve audiences in the storytelling process and unlock the full potential of participatory narratives. This article employs qualitative analysis and library research methods to analyze the subjects.

Keywords: Audience Participation, Transmedia Storytelling, Convergence Culture Theory, Harry Potter Film Franchise, Participatory Culture, Media Convergence

Pages: 699-703

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