International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023
Assessment of Psychological Capital of Real Estate Salespeople in Vietnam
Author(s): Dinh Thi Tram, Do Thuy Dung
Psychological capital is a form of strategic resource that influences human performance. It is one of the essential factors constituting human capital. For real estate salespeople, psychological capital significantly impacts their organizational commitment. Based on a survey of 195 real estate salespeople in Vietnam, this article evaluates the current status of psychological capital among them, focusing on four key elements: hope, optimism, adaptability, and self-confidence. The results indicate that many real estate salespeople in Vietnam have relatively low psychological capital, particularly in terms of optimism and hope. The article also suggests some strategies to enhance positive psychological capital among real estate salespeople in Vietnam.
Keywords: Real Estate, Work Psychology, Salespeople, Vietnam
Pages: 607-612
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