International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023
Customizing the Best Practices in Bridging the Educational Gap of Post Covid-19 Era in UNRWA West Bank Schools: A Qualitative Study
Author(s): Abu Baha Osama
UNDP (2020) [1] indicated that the disruption in education due to COVID-19 is historically unprecedented. Schools have closed in at least 147 countries, affecting more than 1.4 billion children and youth, comprising around 86% of the world’s student population. According to Awad (2021) [2], the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) conducted a special survey to measure the effects of COVID-19 on the socio-economic conditions of Palestinian households during the pandemic. The shocking results reveal that only 51% of households with children in schools participated in online education despite all of those children being enrolled in regular education before the lockdown due to internet bad connection, lack of devices and lack of plans on the school level. This research aims at exploring a qualitative view as a step forward to customize best practices in bridging the educational gap of post Covid-19 era in UNRWA schools. The sample of the study comprises (9) interviewees in UNRWA –West Bank Field. The study is Qualitative in design. The results showed that the best practice is caring for school students on the personal, interpersonal, communal, social and psychological levels to overcome post-COVID19 era.
Keywords: Best Practices, Post Covid-19, Educational Gap, West Bank Schools, UNRWA
Pages: 238-243
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