E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 5, 2023

Knowledge Sharing as a Stimulus for Improving Professional Competence of Coffee Shop Baristas

Author(s): Nimas Pertiwi, Suripto, Nur Efendi, Maulana Agung Pratama


This research aims to understand the process, flow, and role of knowledge sharing among coffee shop baristas in improving their competence in the coffee shop workplace. The phenomenon in recent years is related to the Knowledge Sharing Culture, especially in the profession of baristas or coffee makers in coffee shops. Bandar Lampung itself has become a center for the growth of coffee shops before expanding to surrounding areas. In fact, there are very few baristas who have the legal certification or competence certificates in coffee brewing. However, due to the scarcity of certified baristas, many of them have formed discussion forums with the goal of sharing information among their fellow baristas. It is expected that by forming practical classes like this, it can enhance the competence of baristas in coffee brewing. This research uses a qualitative approach with interview techniques with several baristas from three coffee shops, namely Akabay, Sinia, and Doesoen Coffee. The conclusions of this research include: 1) The knowledge acquisition process by baristas in coffee shops is crucial in influencing the quality of coffee service, contributing to sustainable businesses, and providing satisfying customer experiences; 2) The process of sharing knowledge within the practical community of coffee shop baristas plays a vital role in strengthening collaboration, improving knowledge quality, and creating an environment that supports professional development; 3) Knowledge sharing in enhancing the knowledge and competence of coffee shop baristas plays a crucial role in producing better coffee quality, improving customer service, and developing individual skills.

Keywords: Sharing Knowledge, Experiential Learning, Community of Practice

Pages: 169-174

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