International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Implementation of Five-Moment Hand Hygiene at Aceh Government Hospital
Author(s): Thalitha Suhawani Sibuea, Ardia Putra, Yullyzar, Hajjul Kamil, Rachmah
Background: Hand Hygiene is one way to prevent cross-contamination from microorganisms to prevent the occurrence of Health Care-Associated Infections (HAIs); you can use a handrub or soap. Preventing infection transmission and reducing the number of HAIs by implementing five moments of hand hygiene, namely before contact with patients, before aseptic procedures, after contact with patients, after exposure to patient body fluids, and after exposure to the patient's environment, nurses can reduce the spread of infections that are potentially life-threatening to patients in health care facilities, apart from that the implementation of infection prevention in health care facilities not only protects patients but can protect nurses from HAIs infection, but hand hygiene compliance among nurses is still not optimal, this can lead to a high spread of HAIs. Applying five-moment is one of the indicators JCI (Joint Commission International) requires to achieve 100% for all health workers who provide nursing care.
Methods: The technique for collecting data used accidental sampling with 22 nurses in the Inpatient Room of Aceh Government Hospital. Data were taken using observation sheets and analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: The implementation of five-moment hand hygiene by nurses in the room is in the wrong category
Recommendations: Hospital management, especially KPRS, conducts direct supervision to optimize five-moment hand hygiene.
Keywords: Hand Hygiene, Infection, Nurse, Five Moments
Pages: 975-977