International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Natural Dyes with Nanoparticles as Luminescent Solar Cell Concentrator
Author(s): Ali F Swadi, Adnan F Hassan
Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) were mixed with dyes extracted from natural plants (turmeric, Capsicum annuum) to find out their effect on these dyes. The dye fluorescent and absorbance were measured before and after the addition of zinc oxide nanoparticles in three stages, the first adding the dye without nanoparticles, the second stage mixing 75% dye with 25% ZnO, the third stage mixing 50% dye with 50% ZnO, the Stoke shift, radiative life time (fm), fluorescence life time (τf), Quantitative efficiency (Qfm). The link between the absorbance and fluorescence curves was displayed using the calculated data. The area under the fluorescence spectra and absorption curves was measured using MATLAB software. The fluorescence intensity of natural dyes was discovered to be higher than it was prior to the inclusion of nanoparticles, thus the quantum efficiency increases and thus the efficiency of the solar cell increases significantly when the nanomaterials are added. The amount of Luminescent Solar Cell (LSC) efficiency before adding dyes was η = 0.892, and when adding a mixture of 50% natural turmeric dye with 50% zinc nanoparticles, becomes η = 2.311. And when adding a mixture consisting of 50% of natural capsicum annuum dye with 50% of zinc oxide nanoparticles, the LSC efficiency becomes η = 2.459.
Keywords: Luminescent Solar Cell, Solar Cell Concentrator, Solar Cell Efficiency, Fluorescence and Quantitative efficiency
Pages: 877-882