E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Controlling in state own companies in Vietnam: A case of Tourism Industry

Author(s): Nguyen Thanh Vu, Nguyen Thi Buoi


An enterprise, whether large or small, belonging to any legal form, before development needs to stand firm, so it is necessary to set out the activities that the business needs to do to achieve its goals. spending and earning profits for the business. Activities that a business requires to perform four basic functions as follows: planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions. If the previous three functions serve for planning, implementation and execution, the control function is the function that helps to review and check step by step, helping enterprises to avoid unnecessary risks and errors. Yes, and at the same time have solutions to adjust and overcome. As one of the four most important functions of corporate governance, control is the process of proactively monitoring the work of an organization based on the stated standards. A control management system is a strategic tool for responsible management organizations, and at the same time responsible for the performance and effectiveness of the work. The system is also a tool to provide feedback to managers on how to achieve the set goals. Even though there are ideas that are consistent with a clear implementation strategy, business activities need to be periodically controlled, regularly monitored to capture changes in reality compared to the plan in order to have timely response.

Keywords: Controlling, State Own Companies, Tourism Industry, Vietnam

Pages: 841-846

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