International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Knowledge and Belief: Can there be Knowledge?
Author(s): Dr. Danny Shorkend
In this brief essay, I endeavor to define knowledge through an analysis of science and art and thence a philosophical quest to determine if knowledge is possible. It was found that science may masquerade as knowledge, although it appears to be a true paradigm. Yet in the form of scientism, it is another myth, another fiction. Similarly, art is only true in the fictional sense, a lie that appears accurate, just as mimetic resemblance is really only a surface filled with colored paint and makes no true reference to a corresponding reality. In general, belief is to be undermined and one should try to at least tend toward knowledge, fact, reality if we are to survive as a species in an evolutionary sense, rather than belief in personified gods or God and the like.
Keywords: Knowledge, Belief, Art, Science, Reality
Pages: 757-760