E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Addition of Machine Meal to Onion Chips

Author(s): Junianto, Astridya Syahada Putri Hermawan, Rifqi Putra, Rizka Amalia Nurinsani, Dhea Prisma Puji Aulia, Silmi Aulia Kamilah, Dinda Lestari Putri


The purpose of this research is to determine the right level of adding mackerel meat meal to onion chips to produce the most preferred product. The research was conducted at the Fisheries Processing Technology Laboratory of the Fisheries Study Program, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia. The research method used was experimental with 4 treatments, namely the rate of adding mackerel meat meal 0% (without addition, as a control), 5%, 7, 5% and 10% of the total doughs onion chips. The process of making onion chips consists of four main stages, namely mixing ingredients, donating, molding and frying. Variable observations were made on the level of preference for aroma, taste, texture and appearance/color of onion chips. The favorability level test was carried out with a hedonic test with the following scale: very dislike (1), dislike (3), blind (5), like (7), and very likes (9). The panelists used were semi-trained panelists as many as 20 people. Data obtained from the results of organoleptic testing of onion chips from various treatments, the rate off addition of mackerel meat meal, were analyzed descriptively comparative. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the right rate of adding mackerel meat meal to onion chips to produce the most preferred product is 10% of the total dough. The average level of liking for the aroma, taste, texture and appearance/color of onion chips produced was 6, 6; 7, 6; 7, 8 and 8, 0 respectively.

Keywords: Snacks, Organoleptic, Wheat Flour, Descriptive, Products

Pages: 747-750

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