International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Pragmatic Influential Effects of Students' Gender, School Location and School Type on Prediction Strength of Students' Learning Outcomes in Senior Secondary Schools
Author(s): Akinyemi Edward Aiyegbusi, Olugbenga Gabriel Akindoju, Mukaila Alade Rahman
Previous studies emphasized the influence of gender, school location, and school type on students' academic learning success. Scholars are not in the same direction towards this; some support that the variables or predictors significantly impact students' learning outcomes, while others believe that those variables or predictors do not significantly affect student learning success. This study examines the effects of gender, school location, and school type on the prediction strength of students' learning outcomes in senior secondary schools. Structural Equation Modeling, called SEM, was used via SmartPLS to model the influence of predictor variables (Gender, school location, and school type) over predicted variables (students' learning outcomes). The study comprised 1,200 students that have written both Mock and WAEC examinations between the 2021/2022 academic sessions. The students' scores were collected from secondary schools in Ogun State with official permission from the Ministry. The approval from the Ministry and schools authenticated the validity of the scores. When the collected data was subjected to a reliability index, the result of 0.788 showed that the instrument was highly reliable. The collection and collation of the data took four weeks to complete. After this, the data were screened to remove any outliers that could affect the analysis and results of the findings. The findings showed that gender, school location and school type are not influencing variables in predicting students learning outcomes of secondary school students.
Keywords: Gender, School Location, School Type, Prediction, Learning Outcomes
Pages: 646-649