E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Examining Free School Feeding Policy in Nigeria in the Contexts of Maslow’s Dependency Theory and Sartre’s Existence Preceeds Essence

Author(s): Simeon Adetunji Dosunmu, Olufowobi Oludare Okikiola


This paper examines the implications of the free school feeding on students’ achievement and the problem facing the implementation of the programme of free school feeding in Nigeria. The paper posited that food is a major basic need which has a great effect on concentration and interest of students no matter the angle from which it is conceived and challenges facing its provision is a major threat to existence and essence. The paper identifies inadequate funding, increase in population, corruption, poor monitoring and evaluation, lack of data to plan, delay in releasing money, inflation and insecurity problem as the challenges preventing the implementation of the programme. To address these challenges, the article recommended adequate funding of the programme, improvement in the monitoring and evaluation of the programme. It further recommended a redefine of the roles of each tier of government in the implementation of the program. Also, government should monitor the funds released for the implementation of the programme and ensure political will of the implementation of the programme.

Keywords: Free School Feeding, Nigeria, Collapsing Policy Maslow's Dependency Theory, Sartre's Existence Precedes Essence

Pages: 574-578

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