E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Challenges in Maintenance and Evolution of Mobile Applications

Author(s): Disne Kajanath, Ligitha Sakthymayuran


The advances in mobile technology have brought an excessive change in the daily lifestyle of each individual in recent years. Smartphones or mobile devices are used in all aspects of human life. This leads to extreme demand for developing software that runs on mobile devices. Currently, we can see there is rapid development and evolution of mobile technology, which involves mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software. Features of mobile phones largely depend on the software installed. In the modern information and communication age, mobile applications are producing a huge amount of data so it is one of the most concerned and rapidly developing areas. At the same time, mobile app development is undergoing major changes with the introduction of new software, service platforms, and software development kits (SDKs). These changes lead to the appearance of many new service platforms such as Google with Android and Apple with iOS. Good software development and particularly maintenance practices form an important factor for success in the software business. If one wants to constantly produce new successful releases of mobile software and applications, a proper efficient software maintenance process is the primary key. In this paper, Literature is conducted to highlight the Maintenance and Evolution process for mobile applications. The goal of the present literature survey presents information and challenges in the evolution and maintenance of the mobile application and gives some statistical data on the past and present situations.

Keywords: Software Evolution, Mobile Applications, Maintenance, Literature Survey

Pages: 569-573

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