E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

WLAN Band Rejection of UWB Exponential Tapered Slot Antenna

Author(s): Biswajit Bose, Anuradha Dutta, Asibur Rahman, Avrajit Singh, Rounak Kayal, Dr. Chittajit Sarkar


A frequency notched Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) antenna using exponential tapered slot is proposed here. The notch frequency is achieved by introducing a quarter wavelength spur-line in the feeding microstrip line of the antenna. The designed antenna is highly compact with an over-all size of 60mmX60mm exhibiting a -10 dB impedance bandwidth ranging from 1 GHz to 18GHz. The antenna provides consistent gain and stable radiation pattern. The L-shaped spur lines contribute to the notch frequencies at 5 GHz aimed to avoid interference from WLAN band.

Keywords: ETSA, Microstrip Fed, SPUR LINE, UWBA

Pages: 548-550

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