E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Factors Influencing Purchase Intention on Branded Coconut Milk Powder: A Case Study in Western Province in Sri Lanka

Author(s): Wijethunga YMPM, Wijesinghe AGK


The spray-dried coconut milk powder is a convenient and ready-to-use product with the same freshness as fresh coconut milk. It is time to move towards processed coconut milk products instead of raw coconuts in order to protect the coconut industry. This study was focused to analyze how product factors, consumers’ health consciousness, perceived knowledge, advertising, availability, subjective norms, trust, price, and certification influence the branded coconut milk powder purchase intention of consumers. A questionnaire survey was conducted by means of face-to-face interviews to gather primary data from a sample of 400 respondents covering six Divisional Secretariats in the Western province. Data were analyzed by using confirmatory factor analysis through AMOS in SPSS 24 version. The results revealed that trust on the product, product factors, availability, and price are the main factors that influence the coconut milk powder purchase intention of the consumers. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for marketers, producers, investors, and policymakers to enhance the coconut milk powder industry, by implementing necessary product improvements and effective strategies tailored to meet the consumer expectations.

Keywords: Coconut Milk Powder, Consumers, Factors, Purchase Intention, Western Province

Pages: 494-502

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