E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

A Study to Assess the Awareness of Caretakers Regarding Emergency Management During Seizure in a Selected Hospital, Bangalore, with a view to Develop an Information Pamphlet

Author(s): Bindu kumari, Aleena Thazhathuparambil, Aleena S Philip


Introduction: An epileptic syndrome consists of recurrent episodes of one or more of the following manifestations: loss of consciousness, convulsive movements or other motor activity, sensory phenomena and behavioural abnormalities [1]. According to WHO, around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, of which 20% resides in India [22].

Material and methods: The research design selected for this study was descriptive design. The setting selected was Inpatient and Outpatient Department of Neuro and Medicine Wards, SJMCH, Bangalore. 150 caretakers were selected for the study using non probability convenience sampling technique. A demographic proforma to collect the data and structured questionnaire to assess the awareness was used. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: the current study reveals that out of 150subjects, 37.33% had good awareness, 31.33% had average awareness, 21.33% had excellent awareness, 10 % had poor awareness of emergency management of seizure. The study revealed statistically significant association between level of awareness and education, socio-economic class, and previous exposure to seizures, no association between awareness and age, gender, marital status, occupation, place of residence, or family history of seizures. Conclusion: The study findings reveal that the caretaker has good awareness regarding emergency management during seizures. Has an outcome emergency management during seizure, information pamphlet was developed as an educating the caretakers and family members.

Keywords: Seizure, Caretakers, Awareness, Management

Pages: 445-447

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