International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Investigating Factors that Affect Consumer Behavioural Intention to Use Online Food Delivery Services (OFDS) in the Western Province of Sri Lanka
Author(s): GP Madhuwanthi, L Wijewardene
Purpose: With the development of information and communication technology, there is an emerging new wave can be seen in the food and beverage industry. That is called online food delivery services (OFDS). It is the new pattern of eating out other than takeaway and eating out. The day by day is going to be changed the lifestyle among urban food and beverage consumers. Hence the objective of this study is to establish a model that investigates the factors and relationships of several factors (Consumer attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioural Control, Trustworthiness and Ease of Use) with the consumer behavioural intention to use OFDS among consumers who live in the Western Province of Sri Lanka.
Method: This study used the quantitative research approach and explanatory research design to investigate the research objective. The sample size of the study was 235 respondents who are engaging with social media OFDS platforms (pages and groups). A structured questionnaire was used as the data collection tool and a survey method was used to gather data.
Findings: Multiple regression analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between consumer attitude, subjective norm, and trustworthiness towards OFDS in the Western province of Sri Lanka. Among those factors, trustworthiness was identified as the highest significant factor towards consumer behavioural intention to use OFDS, because it showed a significant and positive relationship after data analysis of the study.
Research Implications: These findings provide support for OFDS providers and future potential businesses to connect with customers more closely via the online platform. Further, both business firms and scholars can take an understanding regarding significant insights into what induces urbanites when engaging with OFDS services.
Keywords: Consumer Behavioural Intention, Online Food Delivery Services (OFDS), Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior, Consumer Attitude
Pages: 379-384
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