E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Creating an Innovative Mechatronics Learning Experience with Mecha-Learn: A Website-Based Platform

Author(s): Diki Fahrizal, Jaja Kustija


The development of mechatronics education in Indonesia as a developing country is quite rapid, this is one form of Indonesia's contribution in preparing human resources that are ready to compete in the 5.0 society. Many educational institutions in Indonesia focus on mechatronics studies, both in undergraduate, polytechnic, and vocational high school levels. The mechatronics study content consists of theory and practice. Difficulty understanding abstract, dynamic, and complex concepts is one of the problems of mechatronics learning. In addition, for practical work, the availability of practical tools or real mechatronics objects is very limited due to the need for expensive budgets, viewed from the education budget in developing countries. These problems require the right solution to implement mechatronics learning. These issues have been widely discussed but in fact still require serious research, a solution to addressing the interests of mechatronics learning media we offer a new platform called Mechatronics Learning (Mecha-Learn) as a learning media that is not only theoretical, but practical, economical, and providing an overview of how the tool or component works approaching the original object based on website. This research aims to design and create Mecha-Learn from the system, user interface, and prototype platform. The research approach used is ADDIE. The use of Mecha-Learn as a mechatronics learning media is expected to facilitate the understanding of concepts and principles of component work, better preparation before using the actual tool, and as a solution to the imbalance in the number of components and the number of users.

Keywords: Mecha-Learn, Mechatronics, Learning Media, CodeIgniter, ADDIE

Pages: 246-252

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