International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Effect of Commando Insecticides on Lipid Profile and Liver Enzymes Function in Male Rat
Author(s): Ali Hussein Jabbar, Assaad kareem hassooni, Hussein Azher Shaker, Karrar Ali Abdulsahib
Pesticides are substances used to eliminate or control unwanted pests including weeds, rodents, fungus, germs, and insects. Pesticides were not seen as an issue until recently. Contrarily, the use of these substances was seen as a sign of advancement and modernity and as playing a crucial part in managing agriculture. With this mindset, farmers and the agricultural establishment were seen using more pesticides. Chronic imidacloprid exposure causes oxidative stress and inflammation by altering antioxidant systems and inducing pro-inflammatory cytokine production in the liver and central nervous system of non-target organisms. Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide being used extensively for crop protection and pet flea control programmers.
Keywords: Commando Insecticides, Lipid Profile, Liver Enzymes, Male Rat
Pages: 122-126
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