International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Efficiency of Essential Oil of Mentha spicata (L.) and Study of their Biological Activities against Some Gingivitis Bacteria
Author(s): Amjed Hasan Jaber, Dr. Kareem Talib Khashan
This experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Postgraduate Studies / Biotechnologies / College of Science / University of Kufa / for the period from 10/1/2022 to 1/ 4/2023.This study was conducted to alcoholic extract the active ingredients and essential oils in the leaves of the mint plant (Mentha spicata). The essential oils were extracted from the fresh leafs of plant using the Clevenger hydro-distillation method and oils were detected using sulfuric acid reagent and crystallization method. Characterize their chemical and physical properties of these oils (the degree of acidity, Color, taste, and specific density of essential oils. Also, evaluate the cellular toxicity of essential oils and leafs extracts using the method of blood lysis of healthy human, and study their biological activities against bacteria that cause gingivitis isolated from infected male gums. Four concentrations of Oils and alcoholic leafs crude extract were tested 1:1, 2/1, 5/1, 10/1 (v/v) ml of oil /ml of distilled water, in addition to the standard substance as menthol(S1) as a control agent, and Crude Oil as standard (S2) and Kanologe as Positive control (P ?) to evaluate the antibacterial activity that causes gingivitis, using the agar diffusion method, at a rate of three replicates for each concentration and 9 replicates for each treatments. The bacterial samples that cause gingivitis were obtained from Al-Ameen Center for Research and Advanced Biotechnology in Al-Najaf City. The diagnosis of bacteria isolate was also confirmed with the Vitek2 Compact. The results showed that there was a conformity with the ideal specifications of the oils with international standards or close to them, where the acidity value was pH: 2.87. The results of blood hemolysis tests showed that there was no clear hemolysis in all concentrations used of essential oils in compare with control groups (P ?) which gave a percentage of hemolysis of blood cells. The results showed that all the concentrations used gave an area of bacterial inhibition growth rate that increased with increasing oil and leafs extract concentration. The highest inhibition rate S.mutans was for oils at a concentration of (1/10) v/v ml Oils: Water, with an average inhibition rate of (26), and that the highest inhibition rate was for leafs extracts at a concentration of (1/10) v/v ml extract: Water, with an average inhibition rate of (21). While the lowest inhibition rate was for the Oils and leafs extracts at a concentration of (1/1) v/v ml Oils: Water with an average inhibition of (16 and 4) mm respectively. However, the highest inhibition rate E.coloi bacteria was for oils at a concentration of (1/10) v/v ml Oils: water, with an average inhibition rate of (26), and that the highest inhibition rate was for leafs extracts at a concentration of (1/10) v/v ml extract: Water, with an average inhibition rate of (21). While the lowest inhibition rate was for the Oils and leafs extracts at a concentration of (1/1) v/v ml Oils: water with an average inhibition of (16 and 4) mm respectively.
Keywords: Essential Oil, Mentha Spicata (L.), Biological Activities, Bacteria
Pages: 102-106
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