E ISSN: 2583-049X

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023

Influence of Job Characteristics on Organizational Commitment: The study of Construction Firms in Hanoi

Author(s): Le Trung Thanh, Le Quang Trung


This research was conducted to investigate the impact of work characteristics on organizational commitment of employees in construction firms in Hanoi based on job characteristics’ theory of Hackman and Oldham (1980) [13]. Data were collected through a survey with 150 employees in construction firms in Hanoi. With this data, we have used descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, EFA and correlation analysis to determine the level of impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable, i.e., organizational commitment of employees. The results showed that the determinant is the work characteristics which have positive relationships with organizational commitment of employees. Based on this finding, this paper gives several recommendations for improvement organizational commitment of employees.

Keywords: Job Characteristics (JC), Organizational Commitment (OC), Affective Commitment (AC), Employees, Construction Firms

Pages: 26-30

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